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Q&ACategory: QuestionsGlimpse of CALCULUS.
Rajendra asked 6 years ago

Hey guys! I find this software very fascinating. I would like to know more about your software.

1 Answers
Nikita answered 6 years ago

Sure Sir!
Our software, CALCULUS contains 2 major windows named market watch and portfolio window.

Market Watch allows the trader to place the manual orders in the exchange. By selecting the desired token from a few drop down menus, the trader can know the real time details like BID Price, ASK Price, BID Quantity, ASK Quantity, Last Trading Price(LTP), Last Trading Quantity(LTQ) and a lot more detailed analysis of that token.
If our Trader is not comfortable with adding the tokens manually each time, then we can also save them in a file on the local system and just load them whenever required. To do the same, Trader can save the arrangement of tokens and press the Save Watch Button at the top right corner of the form. By doing this, a window appears asking the Trader to save the file in the .xml format with the desired name.
If the Trader does not want to use any added row to the Market Watch, it can be done by clicking the Delete Button which appears after clicking on the token’s row.
Single Order
If suppose the Trader wants to set a manual order then he can click on the row of a particular token and press the “+” button for a Buy Order and the “-“ for a Sell Order. A new window of “Single Order” appears over the Market Watch with the required details of that token and few input fields to set. Given below is the display of that mini window:
In this section, Calculus provides the algorithmic based trading. Algorithmic Trading is the process of using computer programs to follow a defined set of instructions for placing a trade in order to generate profits at a speed and frequency that is impossible for a human trader.
The display of the Portfolio Form screen is shown in the image below where the trader receives 5 options:

  1. Add Workspace- Add Workspace allows the Trader to add the workbench on which the tokens can be placed. A small window appears which creates a group with one text and one drop-down field.

The Group Name can be any name that the Trader wants to set and below the Group Name, another field appears which contains the strategies on which the Trader wants to bid. Once proper selection is made, below highlighted 3 buttons appear:

  • Submit: On clicking it, the workbench gets ready for the selected strategy.


  • Clear: It allows the trader to clear all the selections and re-enter the details.


  • Cancel: It closes the Create New Group
  1. Load Workspace: This option provides the trader to save time and efforts. Trader can easily open a saved Workspace and start bidding without wasting a second.


  1. Save Workspace: This option let the trader to save a Workspace with the strategies added to them. Trader can save the Workspace on the local computer and re-open the same file whenever required.


  1. Clean Workspace: It is provided to remove the unwanted previously saved files from the local computer.


  1. Global Parameters: Global Parameters are used for editing the parameters used by the strategies as input. in this way, trader can change the input parameter of all the strategies added to the form at a single click.