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At the start of a brand new year, the technology areas for the year 2017 has given some indicators that point out pretty strongly on the areas that the technologists cannot afford to ignore.
So here is the list for all the anticipated technology trends for the year 2018.
1.       Blockchain will now be adopted publicly
The blockchain is a single, robust, transparent and incorruptible technology that is not controlled by a single authority. Beyond the use of blockchain technology in cryptocurrencies, other industries are walking on the similar path. Many food companies such as Walmart, Nestle and Tyson are adopting this technology to gain a better knowledge on the state and the origin of the food.  Its decentralized feature allows the industries to embrace this technology. Blockchain in the medical field is of great use in keeping and updating the medical records of the patients. This technology enables the patient’s medical records to be kept in a safe and a secured place which is accessible to the doctors.
2.       Artificial Intelligence was the hottest trend to be talked in year 2017 and will continue to be. Although the results were not to as optimum level as the news about it but a large number of companies will actually benefit from AI technology in 2018. Companies such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft are developing powerful AI applications that will a reason for their great success. One of the most prevalent AI development will be the development of smart speakers that will respond to the voice commands!! Many big international companies like Apple and Amazon will launch Internet-connected devices that will book appointments, set alarms and play a personalized playlist. Well, I am seriously waiting for the this trend to come into existence as AI will widen its growth and prove its existence in fields of mobile phones, autonomous vehicles, toys and applications.
3.       IOT ( Internet of Things)  has made its presence felt in the entire technical world and will continue to grow and expand in the upcoming years. IOT will be a backbone in customer journey adding more personalization and sophistication. Another field of development which will boost the result is combining IOT with block chain-BIOT. BIOT will greatly reduce the risk of hacking along with the development of sensors that will enable the retailers, manufacturers, and regulators to access data from sensors embedded in a useful area.
4.       Augmented Reality will be the field of development in most of the areas. Virtual reality in gaming experience is now an old phenomenon, with this year AR will now be entering the fields of home decor, car services and online stores. Augmented reality in Hollywood movies is a treat to watch and now this field of technology will step into the real world from watching packaging demonstration videos while  looking at a product to virtual pop-up stores thus, bringing out all the information to the people when they need without letting them to ask. One of the most amazing feature of AR is that it allows the users to scan rooms of their house, add virtual furniture and see what it looks like.
5.       Development of Smart Cities is an another emerging  trend now. Establishment of smart cities will change our lifestyles in a big way. Smart cities will be an area where technology and society intersect with innovative and successful developments made by mankind. Many illustrations can be posted in terms of the development of this technology such as smart street lights which will use LED lights that will 70-80% of electricity and the facility of automatic brightening and dimming, distribution of the power grid to the end costumers; thus resulting in vast advancement in the areas of environment, energy and electricity.


The above trends do not possess a promise that they will surely update in this year due to various disruptions related to government rules and regulations and most importantly the ability of the consumers to adapt and adjust with the new technological trends.

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